Anty Fung
- Apr 6, 2013
- 3 min
2013年的復活節,我橫越了七個時區,尋訪一片曾經把自由觀念顛倒的血淚之地。位於波蘭Krakow以西大約70公里的Auschwitz是二戰期間規模最大的猶太集中營的根據地,也是德軍納粹政府以最後的解決方案之名(The Final...
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Hello there. Welcome. My name is Anty. This is where I write about fun things and serious thoughts about wine,s, travel, outdoors, art and life in general. I've been blessed to have had my fair share of classic and exotic wine encounters, and travel adventures in both beautiful and bleak destinations. Just trying my best to capture the essence of life in my own quirky, and above all, original way.
In Vinos Felicitas. Memento Vivere.
< In wines there is happiness. Remember to live. >