Anty Fung
- Feb 18, 2013
- 3 min
日本和香港 ﹣ 兩個教人醉生夢死的煙花之地。東京的Lost in Translation,香港的In the mood for love,這兩個地方呼吸著深入民心的繁囂和奢華,孕育一堆蟻民找尋亂中有序的生活,擁抱高樓斗室間永恆不變的萬變,同時努力抗拒朝三暮四的誘惑。城市人到...
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Hello there. Welcome. My name is Anty. This is where I write about fun things and serious thoughts about wine,s, travel, outdoors, art and life in general. I've been blessed to have had my fair share of classic and exotic wine encounters, and travel adventures in both beautiful and bleak destinations. Just trying my best to capture the essence of life in my own quirky, and above all, original way.
In Vinos Felicitas. Memento Vivere.
< In wines there is happiness. Remember to live. >