Anty Fung
May 15, 20144 min read
驅車從摩登現代的法蘭克福市區到這個充滿中世紀氣息的Mosel酒區,沿著箂恩河及它的分支向西北行駛,好好享受德國外環快速道Autobahn無限制車速的樂趣。每小時200公里,約一個半小時的車程,途經如畫的小鎮Mainz 和Wiesbaden和鄰近酒區Rheingau和Mitt...
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Hello there. Welcome. My name is Anty. This is where I write about fun things and serious thoughts about wine,s, travel, outdoors, art and life in general. I've been blessed to have had my fair share of classic and exotic wine encounters, and travel adventures in both beautiful and bleak destinations. Just trying my best to capture the essence of life in my own quirky, and above all, original way.
In Vinos Felicitas. Memento Vivere.
< In wines there is happiness. Remember to live. >