
Anty Fung
Aug 23, 20133 min read
「酒」尋 MR. RIGHT
本周,我在自言自語。左腦是一個苦惱如何尋找Mr. Right的女生,右腦是一個愛酒愛得有點上腦的女生。自編自導自演,「酒」尋 Mr. Right! — 女生:怎樣才知道誰是我的Mr. Right? 酒女:不斷嘗試吧,只有試才能知道自己喜歡甚麼。站得遠遠,跺着腳分析;或者聽那...
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Hello there. Welcome. My name is Anty. This is where I write about fun things and serious thoughts about wine,s, travel, outdoors, art and life in general. I've been blessed to have had my fair share of classic and exotic wine encounters, and travel adventures in both beautiful and bleak destinations. Just trying my best to capture the essence of life in my own quirky, and above all, original way.
In Vinos Felicitas. Memento Vivere.
< In wines there is happiness. Remember to live. >